Thursday 24 January 2013

Rundown of how the rest of the semester SHOULD run...

OK, so we still have quite a few assessments to do, but here is a rough plan of how we might roll out the Comm 4 and Oral Presentation Skills Units. Remember, I am planning for 5 months or so here, so will do my best to keep to it, no mean feat with two Units to work to.

As a reminder there are 13 assessments you do for me. For Comm 4 (2x reading, 2x listening, 2x talking and 2x writing) and for Oral Presentation Skills (2x presentation analysis, 1x presentation plan, 2x presentations to deliver).

Some of you have already completed 4 assessments - Comm 4 reading (digital books), OPS speaking (how to do), OPS plan (how to do) and OPS analysis 1 (Jamie Oliver). In the next couple of weeks or so you will also have completed (for Comm 4) 1 writing outcome (an essay you did for Marie) and one listening outcome (a Radio 4 Word of Mouth transmission)., lets see if we can follow the plan below! I'll see how you are all going with the essays for Marie and you can tell ME when the best time for submission would be!

28th Jan - I will give sample answers at the end of this class.
29th Jan - listen to Word of Mouth radio transmission on "presentations, PowerPoint use etc" (assessed).
4th, 5th Feb - work on listening assessment for Comm 4.

11th, 12th Feb - no classes, holidays!

18th Feb - submission of listening task. 
19th Feb - watching film one (of two).
25th Feb - discuss film that was watched on the 19th and look at how to write a film review.
26th Feb - watch film two (of two).
4th and 5th March - write up review for one of the films we watched in class.

11th and 12th March - assemble into groups for group discussions. Research on topics.
19th and 20th March - discussion assessment.

26th March, 27th March, 1st, 2nd April - EASTER VACATION

8th April - give out brief for oral presentation

9th April, 15th, 16th April - prep for presentation - (this will double up for Comm 4 and OPS outcomes - one presentation, two passes!)

22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th April - assessed presentation delivery.

6th May - HOLIDAY!

7th May - at this stage we will have three assessments to complete - one listening, one reading and one analysis of an oral presentation. I suggest that we negotiate what is best regarding outstanding  assessments at this stage.

The last day of classes and for all submissions is Tuesday 11th June 2013.

I hope this will work out well for us. I am satisfied that it will be.

We can move things around if we feel we need to, but this is the proposal anyway!

Cheers, Mark

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Thinking about listening

Today we moved away from presentations and started to look at another aspect of communication: listening.

Although we are looking at something different, the same features of communication analysis arise. We've talked a lot about structure, purpose, audience, point-of-view in relation to presentations (and in my blog PP information). Then, you were the producers of communication "texts". Now, you are not producing texts - you are "receiving" information. In this case you are receiving information aurally (ie. via your ears) in the form of radio and television programmes.

We are now interested in how other people structure a piece of communication. We're interested in working out their purpose, intended audience and point of view. When we analyse these aspects we are in a position to judge the quality of the piece.

And hopefully we learn from what is good (and not so good) about the way they've put the piece together. We should be able to apply the principles that make a good piece of oral communication (like a presentation or programme) to a piece of written communication (like an essay or report).

Students in university and college spend a lot of time listening (or should). It is one of the main, and most traditional, ways of communicating information and ideas to students. That's not to say that it's always a good way to learn. One lecturer transmitting information to a lecture theatre of 150 students may be cost-effective for a university, but does it make sense educationally? Maybe pod-casts are the way ahead?

The point is that students will do a lot of listening and we need to spend a bit of time practising that skill.

So we have now listened to the documentary on BBC Radio 4's Word of Mouth series on "borrowing" in language.

Any thoughts you have on the programme or the issue of listening always welcomed by way of feedback on the blog!

All the best,


Word of Mouth overview

Hi all,

I hope you enjoyed the Word of Mouth radio programme we listened to on Tuesday. I really liked the observations and discussion that ensued afterwards. I think we learned a new word today - 'Ponglais' or was it 'Ponglish'?! Anyway, for those members of the class who were unable to make the session, we listened to a Radio 4 transmission on the process of "borrowing" in English and other languages and heard from a variety of different sources.

For those students who weren't in class today you can listen to in the college using Click View (which should be on the desktops of all the PCs) and use the search bar typing in 'word of mouth'. You are looking for episode 3.

On Monday I will go over the answers and I would like you to have a bash at them for then.

Remember, we will be looking at four distinct points:

1. Main ideas (summarising main points).
2. Purpose and audience (why was it put together and who is the broadcast aimed at?)
3. Point of view (objective or subjective views?)
4. Evaluation (how effective?)

All the best,


Monday 14 January 2013

A bit of background info on Sir Ken!

For twelve years, he was professor of education at the University of Warwick in the UK and is now professor emeritus. He has received honorary degrees from the Rhode Island School of Design, Ringling College of Arts and Design, the Open University and the Central School of Speech and Drama, Birmingham City University and the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. He was been honored with the Athena Award of the Rhode Island School of Design for services to the arts and education; the Peabody Medal for contributions to the arts and culture in the United States, the LEGO Prize for international achievement in education, and the Benjamin Franklin Medal of the Royal Society of Arts for outstanding contributions to cultural relations between the United Kingdom and the United States. In 2005, he was named as one of Time/Fortune/CNN’s ‘Principal Voices’. In 2003, he received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts. He speaks to audiences throughout the world on the creative challenges facing business and education in the new global economies.

Monday 7 January 2013

Will digital addiction clinics be big in 2013?

Will digital addiction clinics be big in 2013?

Clockwise, from left: Woman wearing Google Glass, news app on a smartphone, a Twitter feed on a tablet, and a phone payment system

Mobile and social media are the driving forces of the next wave of digital change. But these advances are reducing our attention spans and creating new dilemmas for the way we live and work, says Nic Newman.

It used to be the case that British people had a reputation for buttoned-up restraint.

Today we are some of the most active social networkers in the world - sharing our party pictures, our music playlists and our deepest secrets with hardly a moment's thought. More than 60% of online users actively maintain a Facebook profile, and social networking is our favourite activity online in terms of time spent.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee's tweet to the world at the Olympics opening ceremony was a reminder that social networking is now a key part of our national culture. Twitter usage has jumped rapidly again this year to about 10 million active users, with David Cameron, Hugh Grant and Gary Lineker among the new recruits.

And in terms of mobile, the UK now leads the world in its use of data. It overtook Japan in 2012, according to Ofcom.

There is, of course, a link between the two. More than 40% of that mobile activity is driven by social networking, in addition to downloading videos, shopping and consuming timely information such as news and sport.

With record smartphone sales in the run-up to Christmas and new 4G services launching in the UK by the summer, the stage is now set for faster and more reliable connection speeds and a new generation of mobile products and services.

So what will the potent combination of social and mobile bring in 2013? Here are seven trends to watch out for:

1. The mobile wallet

Person using contactless payment phone app

Increasing amounts of our life will be controlled with our mobiles in 2013. One by one, bank cards, loyalty cards, travel cards and boarding passes are being sucked out of our physical wallets and becoming integrated into smartphone software.

On the one hand this is driving convenience and greater transparency. On the other, the implications of losing your mobile have never been greater - and smartphone theft is on the rise.

Expect a new wave of sophisticated apps that can locate your phone even if on silent - complete with James Bond-style capabilities to destroy your device while protecting your passwords and identity.

2. Stand by for mobile ads

“At least one social network will offer a premium service without ads”

More than 10% of consumer time is spent with the mobile phone but only 1% of advertising is spent this way. This gap will close in 2013 but the results may not be pretty.

Watch out for intrusive new advertising formats on mobile and social websites, text and other push advertising, location-based special promotions linked to shopping in particular, and a growing number of sponsored messages.

Expect some kind of backlash against commercial activity in this most personal space with new rows over privacy and the selling of personal data. There'll be a new breed of mobile ad blockers and at least one social network will offer a premium service with an ad-free experience this year.

3. Celebrity spam using phone

It's not just advertisers trying to make friends. Recording artist and talent show judge broke a taboo in 2012 by using his mobile to tweet during a live edition of The Voice. He later posted this message: "It may seem odd me tweeting... but trust me... this will be the norm one day & people are going to copy it."

Celebrities are increasingly setting up their own direct routes of communication with fans and will be looking to exploit these further with social media messages, mobile apps and text alerts.

Instead of fans hounding celebrities, this year could see the opposite phenomenon in the digital space. Broadcasters are already enlisting stars to send "in character" text messages before, during and after television dramas to give true fans an extra dimension of experience.

4. Global megaphone for gossip

The combination of mobile and social media has increased the speed with which both genuine news and malicious gossip can spread around the world.

Lord Justice Leveson has called for new laws to end what he calls "mob rule" and "trial by Twitter". Expect to see more unsuccessful attempts by politicians and lawyers to tame the internet but also a gradual realisation that what is said on social media is not beyond the law.

Look out for high-profile Twitter and Facebook prosecutions along with new social media education programmes in schools and workplaces.

5. Mobile and social news

Journalists tweeting updates

About a third of all traffic to leading news websites such as the BBC now comes from smartphones, and this trend is beginning to change the type of news we are consuming and the rate at which we do it.

Live blogs - short updates that incorporate the backchat from social media - are becoming increasingly popular for news and sport but younger people in particular are increasingly ignoring traditional sites and getting their news directly from links in their Twitter or Facebook streams.

A trend to watch in 2013 is the growth of social video services like ThisNewsNow - a mobile-first service with a focus on short viral videos and a new informal style.

6. Digital addiction clinics

"New opportunities, then, for internet-free rural retreats”
Related to the above, you may have noticed that your partner has been checking the football scores at the dinner table or sharing a joke on Facebook with friends half the way across the world.

More and more of us are becoming addicted to the real-time stream so that we are losing the art of conversation and quiet reflection.

This year brands and phone manufacturers will find more and more ways - buzzes, shakes, pokes and vibrates - to interrupt your train of thought. New opportunities, then, in 2013 for internet-free rural retreats or sessions to relearn the art of conversation without interruption, hesitation or deviation.

7. Mobile controlled accessories

Internet-enabled glasses Modelling a pair of internet-enabled specs

This year the phone will start to control what we see and what we wear. Google Glass and Vuzix (available this year) are essentially mobile computers that take augmented reality to the next stage.

Now you don't even need to look under the table to get the football results - they can be beamed directly to your eyes. Face recognition linked to Facebook or LinkedIn can provide an instant biography at a party, saving much embarrassment or providing useful lines for a potential business opportunity.

And for the more flamboyant, there are dresses implanted with electronic displays that project your latest social media updates onto the fabric.

Social and mobile will be at the heart of digital innovation this year. And yet, most companies continue to underestimate the speed and impact of these changes. They remain locked in a desktop mentality, leaving their products and services in danger of becoming irrelevant to a new digital savvy generation.

But institutions and governments are also lagging dangerously behind, not least because mobile and social undermine traditional hierarchies and decision-making processes. More flexible thinking, more flexible content that works with these trends needs to be embraced at every level and 2013 is the year when that will seem more obvious than ever.

Nic Newman is a digital strategist and former BBC Future Media executive. He is also a research associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University.

Please have a look at this before tomorrow's class!

Hi all,

Above is the link to the talk that we WOULD have watched this morning had the technology not let us down!

If you get a chance to look at it before tomorrow's class that would be great.

I will supply a transcript of the talk and some questions for us to consider. This is the practice talk for the real one that we will look at next week.

All the best and Happy Ne'er!
