Thursday 24 January 2013

Rundown of how the rest of the semester SHOULD run...

OK, so we still have quite a few assessments to do, but here is a rough plan of how we might roll out the Comm 4 and Oral Presentation Skills Units. Remember, I am planning for 5 months or so here, so will do my best to keep to it, no mean feat with two Units to work to.

As a reminder there are 13 assessments you do for me. For Comm 4 (2x reading, 2x listening, 2x talking and 2x writing) and for Oral Presentation Skills (2x presentation analysis, 1x presentation plan, 2x presentations to deliver).

Some of you have already completed 4 assessments - Comm 4 reading (digital books), OPS speaking (how to do), OPS plan (how to do) and OPS analysis 1 (Jamie Oliver). In the next couple of weeks or so you will also have completed (for Comm 4) 1 writing outcome (an essay you did for Marie) and one listening outcome (a Radio 4 Word of Mouth transmission)., lets see if we can follow the plan below! I'll see how you are all going with the essays for Marie and you can tell ME when the best time for submission would be!

28th Jan - I will give sample answers at the end of this class.
29th Jan - listen to Word of Mouth radio transmission on "presentations, PowerPoint use etc" (assessed).
4th, 5th Feb - work on listening assessment for Comm 4.

11th, 12th Feb - no classes, holidays!

18th Feb - submission of listening task. 
19th Feb - watching film one (of two).
25th Feb - discuss film that was watched on the 19th and look at how to write a film review.
26th Feb - watch film two (of two).
4th and 5th March - write up review for one of the films we watched in class.

11th and 12th March - assemble into groups for group discussions. Research on topics.
19th and 20th March - discussion assessment.

26th March, 27th March, 1st, 2nd April - EASTER VACATION

8th April - give out brief for oral presentation

9th April, 15th, 16th April - prep for presentation - (this will double up for Comm 4 and OPS outcomes - one presentation, two passes!)

22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th April - assessed presentation delivery.

6th May - HOLIDAY!

7th May - at this stage we will have three assessments to complete - one listening, one reading and one analysis of an oral presentation. I suggest that we negotiate what is best regarding outstanding  assessments at this stage.

The last day of classes and for all submissions is Tuesday 11th June 2013.

I hope this will work out well for us. I am satisfied that it will be.

We can move things around if we feel we need to, but this is the proposal anyway!

Cheers, Mark

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