Sunday 30 September 2012

College management snub to staff (and students)


The EIS union at Edinburgh College notes:

1. that the new management is refusing to receive a petition signed by many staff and students asking it to join with us in defending FE from further swingeing cuts. Management claims that such a petition is 'inappropriate.'

2. we have been refused the opportunity for a representative of the teaching staff to address the vesting day event.

For the new college to be able to serve the students and the community it is essential that it works with, rather than ignoring, the very people who deliver education. It is entirely appropriate that the petition is presented at the vesting day event as the Minister who plans to cut the new college's funding by 24% (according to management's own figures) will be present.

So we invite any (students, support staff and lecturers) who have not done so, to sign the petition and if possible to come to the Assembly Rooms on George Street, at 5.30pm, Monday 1 October to join staff and students expressing their concerns at the direction the management is taking.

Thursday 27 September 2012

This made me laugh

A good example of how language really is polysemic (multiple meanings).


Monday 24 September 2012


Today we looked at the 'Cheating rife in Universities' article and associated points of interest surrounding plagiarism, academic dishonesty, pressures that students face and lots more besides.

If you have any comments you wish to add to the discussion, please note them below.

All the best,


Tuesday 18 September 2012

Local news articles and analysis

Here are some links that are pertinent to what we discussed in class today!

This article is a rejoinder to the Isabella Blyth piece that we evaluated today:

This article is an update on the snakes on the loose situation in the capital:



Tuesday 11 September 2012

Off to a Flyer!

I really enjoyed the session this morning where we dissected 'The Flyer' and had some healthy discussion.

If you would like to make any comment about the short film, please do so below in the comments section!

All the best,


Punctuation booklet

Hi all,

This morning I gave you all a punctuation booklet. If you were not in class today, please come to 115 and pick one up from me. It is just something we put together for you and you can refer to it at your leisure.

You don't have to complete anything from within the booklet if you don't want to, but you might find some of the material of use, interesting and even amusing in parts!

Many thanks,


Monday 10 September 2012

A little bit of background info on the maker of the film we'll watch tomorrow

Here is a link to Andrea and some of her work that may be of interest to you. - but please don't be tempted to watch 'The Flyer' before tomorrow if you can so we can use the class for groupworking and discussion purposes.



Reflective writing

Dear all,

If you have any comments to make on the 'please allow me to introduce myself to you' task you did this morning, please note them below.

I look forward to reading your thoughts and was most impressed that some of you wished to type your piece out, bravo!

All the best and I shall see you all tomorrow in 127 where we will watch 'The Flyer'.


Thursday 6 September 2012

We like to stretch you as Scott said in his class with you today...

And I believe Mr. Armstrong had a canine friend. Here he is above. And he is valuable by the way! I think we can all agree that we still much prefer Gerry though when it comes to dog adoration. See you all on Monday.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Purrfect photo

Here is a photo of our cat as promised, who is called Zara but is actually male! She seemed particularly interested in the golf in this snap and still hasn't worked out where the balls go when they are potted when watching snooker. The clue is that they are not BEHIND the TV!

Types of Communication - the A2L way!

Who says learning can't be fun!

Monday 3 September 2012

Can't Spell, Won't Spell

The photo below is of a poem by W. N. Herbert. Any thoughts?