Sunday 30 September 2012

College management snub to staff (and students)


The EIS union at Edinburgh College notes:

1. that the new management is refusing to receive a petition signed by many staff and students asking it to join with us in defending FE from further swingeing cuts. Management claims that such a petition is 'inappropriate.'

2. we have been refused the opportunity for a representative of the teaching staff to address the vesting day event.

For the new college to be able to serve the students and the community it is essential that it works with, rather than ignoring, the very people who deliver education. It is entirely appropriate that the petition is presented at the vesting day event as the Minister who plans to cut the new college's funding by 24% (according to management's own figures) will be present.

So we invite any (students, support staff and lecturers) who have not done so, to sign the petition and if possible to come to the Assembly Rooms on George Street, at 5.30pm, Monday 1 October to join staff and students expressing their concerns at the direction the management is taking.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Hetherington1 October 2012 at 13:53

    I should qualify that the term 'inappropriate,' I am told, was not intended to refer to the petition as such, but in the context of using the event as an opportunity to present the petition. I thought I would just clear that up after a question from before. I still think it IS WHOLLY appropriate though.
